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custom icons shown on desktop

Personalizing your icons is a great way to make a PC uniquely yours. Let’s take a look at the different ways Windows lets you customize your icons.

个性化您的图标是使PC独树一帜的好方法。 让我们看一下Windows允许您自定义图标的不同方式。

Windows has some built-in icons you can choose from, but there is also an untold number of icons you can download from sites like , , and —all of which have loads of free icons. And if you can’t find something you like, you can even .

Windows提供了一些内置图标供您选择,但是您也可以从 , 和等网站下载大量图标,所有这些图标都包含大量免费图标。 如果找不到喜欢的东西,甚至。

Once you have the icons of your dreams, save them in a safe place—some of these processes will require they stay in a particular location on your PC. In other cases, you’ll probably want them there just in case something goes wrong and you have to re-apply them.

拥有梦想中的图标后,请将其保存在安全的地方-其中一些过程将要求它们留在PC上的特定位置。 在其他情况下,您可能希望它们在那里,以防万一出问题了,您必须重新应用它们。

更改您的桌面图标(计算机,回收站,网络等) (Change Your Desktop Icons (Computer, Recycle Bin, Network, and So On))

Icons like This PC, Network, Recycle Bin, and your User folder are all considered “desktop icons,” even though modern versions of Windows don’t show them all on the desktop. Windows 8 and 10 don’t show any of the desktop icons except for Recycle Bin, and even Windows 7 doesn’t show them all. For a complete rundown, check out our guide to .

即使现代版本的Windows不能在桌面上全部显示这些图标,例如“本PC”,“网络”,“回收站”和“用户”文件夹之类的图标也被视为“桌面图标”。 Windows 8和10除回收站外不显示任何桌面图标,甚至Windows 7也不显示所有图标。 有关完整的概述,请查看我们的指南,以。

But you can still change how these icons appear elsewhere on your system. To do so, you’ll need to access the “Desktop Icon Settings” window to turn these icons on and off or to change the associated icons.  In Windows 10, you can access this window through Settings > Personalization > Themes > Desktop Icon Settings. In Windows 8 and 10, it’s Control Panel > Personalize > Change Desktop Icons.

但是您仍然可以更改这些图标在系统中其他位置的显示方式。 为此,您需要访问“桌面图标设置”窗口以打开和关闭这些图标或更改关联的图标。 在Windows 10中,您可以通过“设置”>“个性化”>“主题”>“桌面图标设置”访问此窗口。 在Windows 8和10中,它是控制面板>个性化>更改桌面图标。

Use the checkboxes in the “Desktop icons” section to select which icons you want on your desktop. To change an icon, select the icon you want to change and then click the “Change Icon” button.

使用“桌面图标”部分中的复选框,选择要在桌面上使用的图标。 要更改图标,请选择要更改的图标,然后单击“更改图标”按钮。

choose an icon and click the change icon button

In the “Change Icon” window, you can select any icon you want from the built-in Windows icons, or you can click “Browse” to locate your own icon files.


click a built-in icon or click the browse button

If you browse for your own icons, you can select any EXE, DLL, or ICO file. After selecting the file, the “Change Icon” window will show the icons contained in the file you selected. Click the one you want and then click “OK.” Here, we’re changing the “This PC” icon to use one that looks more like a laptop than a desktop.

如果浏览自己的图标,则可以选择任何EXE,DLL或ICO文件。 选择文件后,“更改图标”窗口将显示所选文件中包含的图标。 单击所需的一个,然后单击“确定”。 在这里,我们正在更改“此PC”图标,以使用看起来更像笔记本电脑而不是台式机的图标。

choose an icon and click OK

After changing your icon, you should see the new icon used in File Explorer, on the Desktop, and in the taskbar when the folder is open.


custom icon shown on desktop

And if you want to reverse the change, you can always go back to the “Desktop Icon Settings” window, select the icon you want to change back, and then click “Restore Default.”


restoring the default desktop icons

更改文件夹图标 (Change Folder Icons)

Changing the icon for a folder is not only a good way to pretty things up, but also to call attention to important items. To change a folder icon, right-click the folder you want to change and then choose “Properties.”

更改文件夹图标不仅是美观的一种好方法,而且还可以引起人们对重要项目的注意。 要更改文件夹图标,请右键单击要更改的文件夹,然后选择“属性”。

select properties from a folder's context menu

In the folder’s properties window, switch to the “Customize” tab and then click the “Change Icon” button.


click change icon button on the customize tab

In the “Change Icon” window, you can select any icon you want from the built-in Windows icons, or you can Click “Browse” to locate your own icons.


click an icon or click browse

If you browse for your own icon file, you can select any EXE, DLL, or ICO file. After selecting the file, the “Change Icon” window will show the icons contained in the file you selected. Click the one you want and then click “OK.” Here, we’re changing the icon for this folder to a red one to make it stand out more.

如果浏览自己的图标文件,则可以选择任何EXE,DLL或ICO文件。 选择文件后,“更改图标”窗口将显示所选文件中包含的图标。 单击所需的一个,然后单击“确定”。 在这里,我们将该文件夹的图标更改为红色,以使其更加突出。

choose an icon and click OK

And back in the properties window, click “OK.”


click OK to exit properties window

The folder should now show up with the new icon.


new icon shown in file explorer

This feature works by creating a hidden Desktop.ini file inside the folder that contains a few lines of data something like the following:



This is one of the cases where you absolutely must keep the ICO file in whatever location you had it when you applied the icon. Put it somewhere you know you won’t delete it first, or make the ICO file hidden.

这是在应用图标时绝对必须将ICO文件保存在任何位置的情况之一。 将其放在您不会首先删除它或隐藏ICO文件的位置。

And if you want to fine-tune how folders look and operate on your PC, you should also explore and .


更改文件类型的图标 (Change the Icon for a Type of File)

You can also change the icon for specific file types (those that end in certain extensions) so that all files of that type use the new icon. Why bother to do this? Suppose, for example, you use an image editing program that uses essentially the same icon for all the different types of image files it supported—PNG, JPG, GIF, and so on. You might find it more convenient if each of those file types used a different icon, so they were easier to distinguish—especially if you keep multiple file types in the same folder.

您还可以更改特定文件类型(以某些扩展名结尾的文件)的图标,以使该类型的所有文件都使用新图标。 为什么要这样做呢? 例如,假设您使用一个图像编辑程序,对于它所支持的所有不同类型的图像文件(PNG,JPG,GIF等),其本质上都使用相同的图标。 如果这些文件类型中的每一个都使用不同的图标,则可能会更方便,因此它们更容易区分-特别是如果您在同一文件夹中保留多个文件类型。

Unfortunately, there’s no built-in way to do this in Windows. Instead, you’ll need to download a free tool to do the job:  by Nirsoft. We’ve got a complete guide to using File Types Manager to , so if you think this would be useful for you, give it a read!

不幸的是,Windows没有内置的方法可以做到这一点。 相反,您需要下载一个免费工具来完成这项工作:Nirsoft的 。 我们已经为使用文件类型管理器了完整的指南,因此,如果您认为这对您有用,请仔细阅读!

filetypesman window

The one type of file that File Types Manager is not good at handling, though, is executable (EXE) files. For that, we’ve got another free tool recommendation: . And of course, we also have a guide on using it to .

但是,文件类型管理器不擅长处理的一种文件类型是可执行(EXE)文件。 为此,我们还有另一个免费工具推荐: 。 当然,我们也提供使用它来的指南。

更改任何快捷方式的图标 (Change the Icon of Any Shortcut)

Changing the icon for a shortcut in Windows is also pretty simple and works the same whether it’s a shortcut to an app, folder, or even Command Prompt command. Right-click the shortcut and choose “Properties.”

在Windows中更改快捷方式的图标也非常简单,并且无论是应用程序,文件夹乃至命令提示符命令的快捷方式,其作用都相同。 右键单击快捷方式,然后选择“属性”。

choose properties command on shortcut's context menu

On the “Shortcut” tab, click the “Change Icon” button.


click change icon button on the shortcut tab

This opens the standard “Change Icon” window we’ve seen a couple of times already. Choose one of the default icons or browse to any EXE, DLL, or ICO file that contains icons. After making and applying your selection, you’ll see the new icon in File Explorer, on the Desktop, or on the taskbar if you have your Shortcut pinned there.

这将打开标准的“更改图标”窗口,我们已经看到过几次了。 选择默认图标之一,或浏览到包含图标的任何EXE,DLL或ICO文件。 做出选择并应用选择之后,如果将快捷方式固定在文件管理器,桌面或任务栏上,则会看到新图标。

choose icon or click browse

If you want, you can even customize those shortcut icons further by or .


更改固定在任务栏上的应用程序图标 (Change the Icon of Apps that Are Pinned to the Taskbar)

Icons that are pinned to your taskbar are really shortcuts—they just don’t have the arrow overlay and “- Shortcut” text normally associated with shortcuts. As such, you can customize their icons in nearly the same way that you customize any shortcut icon. You just need to keep a few things in mind:

固定在任务栏上的图标实际上是快捷方式-它们只是没有箭头覆盖和通常与快捷方式相关联的“-快捷方式”文本。 这样,您几乎可以像自定义任何快捷方式图标一样自定义其图标。 您只需要记住以下几点:

  • You can only customize the icons of apps that are actually pinned to the taskbar. If the icon is only on the taskbar because the app is currently running and it isn’t pinned there, you can’t customize it. So, pin it first.

    您只能自定义实际固定在任务栏上的应用程序的图标。 如果该图标仅在任务栏上,因为该应用程序当前正在运行且未固定在该图标上,则无法自定义它。 因此,请先固定它。
  • If an app is pinned, but is currently running, you’ll need to close the app before you can change the shortcut icon.

  • Just right-clicking a pinned app shows you the app’s jumplist. To access the regular context menu instead, hold the Shift key down while right-clicking the icon. Choose “Properties” from that menu and then the rest of the process will be familiar to you from the previous section.

    只需右键单击固定的应用程序即可显示该应用程序的跳转列表。 要改为访问常规上下文菜单,请在右键单击图标的同时按住Shift键。 从该菜单中选择“属性”,然后您将在上一节中熟悉其余的过程。
choose properties command on taskbar shortcut's context menu

在文件资源管理器中更改任何驱动器的图标 (Change the Icon of any Drive in File Explorer)

There’s no simple built-in way to change the icons for drives in Windows. That doesn’t mean you can’t do it though. The easy way is to use a free app named Drive Icon Changer. There’s also a way that works a bit differently and involves a little Registry editing. You can read all about both methods in our guide to .

没有简单的内置方法可以更改Windows中驱动器的图标。 但这并不意味着您不能这样做。 简单的方法是使用名为Drive Icon Changer的免费应用程序。 还有一种工作方式略有不同,并且涉及少许注册表编辑。 您可以在我们的指南中阅读有关这两种方法的全部信息。

drive icon changer window

Drive Icon Changer is the easiest way, though you can do it from the registry if you’d prefer not to use extra software.

Drive Icon Changer是最简单的方法,但是如果您不想使用其他软件,则可以从注册表中进行操作。

Hopefully, this gives you enough information about changing icons that you can make things look just the way you want them.





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